
1. Warning About Contents

The free and fully accessible contents of this website have been compiled with the greatest possible care. However, the provider of this website does not assume any warranties for the correctness and currentness of the free and fully accessible journalistic advisories and news reports. The user bears the full risk of the use of the contents of this website. The user’s accessing these free and fully accessible contents does not alone establish a contractual relationship of any kind between the user and provider as the provider has no intent of entering a legally binding relationship as a consequence of the access.

2. Links

The website contains links to other websites (“external links”). The operators of any such websites are liable for the content of their sites. At the time the external links were set on this website, no illegal content was discernible. The provider does not have any influence over the current and future design of the linked sites. The provider cannot reasonably be expected to audit continuously the external links unless there are concrete indications of illegal content. However, in the event that illegal content is determined, any such external links will be removed immediately.

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Insofar as special terms and conditions for specific uses of this website deviate from Numbers 1 to 4 above, express reference to the deviations will be made at the relevant position. In this case, the special terms and conditions apply to the specific single case.